Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Lost Temple Complex - Somewhere in the Jungle

Alright before I get lots of e-mails, the temple complex isn't currently lost as I was there on a tour - but it was lost for about 600 years and it makes for a good title.

We're still in Hoi An, currently waiting for a night coach to Nha Trang, about 12 hours away. Yesterday we went to the temple complex at My Son deep in the Jungle (not to be confused with Son My, scene of some atrocities during the American War, but we'll skip over that point as it's not very nice) I can now see why jungles are sometimes referred to as 'steaming jungles' as I've never experienced humidity like it before.

My Son was the holiest location for the Champa people who ruled central Vietnam between 0 and 1400 AD, and the complex was only found again by some French bloke in the early 1900's. To get up to the site you have to get a 1960's US Marine Corps Jeep up a winding mountain road. (I'm sure they gave the Jeep to the Vietnamese and it wasn't conviently 'borrowed' or anything like that whatsoever...)

From the top of the road you walk a further 300-400 metres into the jungle to get to the complex. There are 14 different sections, only 3 of which are standing more or less complete. Apparently there was an incredible tower but the Viet Cong were using the temples as a base and it was hit badly by B52 raids in 1969. You can still plainly see the impact craters and there's a few bombs scattered around. You're also warned not to go off the paths in case of any unexploded bombs/mines.

There were a few tourists wandering around but at some points Rach and I were on our own, all you could hear were the constant crickets and birds in and around the jungle.

The mountains around were pretty spectacular and there is one which looks very much like the one in the opening scene to Raiders of the Lost Ark, which lent a whole Indiana Jones vibe to the place. I would post some pictures, but we're in the town with the worst internet connection in Vietnam (even the guide books warn about it) so I'll leave you with some stats.

Number of rides in a jeep - 2
Number of different forms of transportation in a day - 3 (coach/jeep/boat)
Number of beer logo tee-shirts purchased (apparently backpacker uniform) - 2


At 11:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraser and Rach,

Sounds like youre having a blast and everything is going to plan...oh well we still got Clapham so there....


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