Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hoi An

We've moved on again - this time further south to Hoi An. We took a open tour bus, which was very nice actually and passed through Da Nang. The Typhoon passed through here a week ago and the devastation is jaw dropping. Some buildings have become nothing more than a pile of bricks and everywhere had blown out windows and various sections of roof missing. Hoi An is only 30 km south of Da Nang, but seems to have been spared alot of damage. There is alot of debris around and a few broken trees, but nothing too bad. Hoi An's a very pretty place, it's a UNESCO protected town due to some very old buildings and so there's not been any high-rise development. It's very sleepy though - everything happens at a very slow pace, which is very relaxing. Well almost everything. It's seemingly one of the main tailoring locations in Vietnam and you can get anything you want made up within 24 hours. I'm probably going to go and get something I've seen - a bespoke winter coat for $35, can't really say no at that price!

We've just got back from the beach - which was very nice. We cycled about 4km each way, which was an experience, with moto's and other traffic overtaking/undertaking (Rach is a slow cyclist) and coming straight at you.

I'll leave you with some stats.

Number of beach sellers telling us not to use anyone else 'I (insert name here) am Number 1, you ask for me!) - 2
Number of powerlines being restored destroyed by our coach as we accidently drove through them - 1

(Hopefully I'll have some photos in the next post)


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