Wednesday, January 17, 2007


After departing from Picton, we headed south to Renwick, deep in the heart of the Malborough wine country. Our hostel suggested a bike tour of the 25 wineries within a 5km radius (and proceeded to tell us which ones had free tastings...) So never one to say no to many free drinks, off we went.

The countryside around there is stunning and it was a beautiful day with barely any clouds in the sky, perfect weather for ambling from free alcohol to free alcohol!!!! We managed to get to cycle 12 km to 5 wineries, purchasing too many bottles of wine along the way!!! I must admit we were both rather slow and wobbly by the end of it, and I went to bed for a kip. It must have been all the fresh air, as I'm sure the 20+ different wines had nothing to do with my lethargy/headache...

All in all though, a rather pleasant day.

Some stats

Favourite type of wine - Resling
Number of reslings drunk - I can't remember!


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