Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sydney (again)

We've moved on alot since Noosa and we've not had that many chances to update the blogs. Internet access here in Oz is pretty bad to be honest, not as available/user friendly as SE Asia...

Anyways, from Noosa, we moved onto Brisbane, via Australia Zoo (Crikey!) which was pretty cool. The bird show and croc shows were really cool and we got to see a Koala Joey, which made Rach go all misty eyed...

We spent two nights in Brisbane and went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary where Rach and I got to meet Dudley the Koala at close quarters. He didn't seem too bothered and promptly fell asleep on both of us...

Since then we've stayed in Lennox Head, close to Byron Bay, which is stunning. It's also home to Cape Byron, the eastern most point of Australia. From the eastern most point on the cape we saw dolphins, turtles and rays swimming around just off shore.

We've also spent a night in Port Maquarie and Newcastle, before arriving back in Sydney this morning, where we've said goodbye to Paris (the Toyota Yaris) who's taken us down the coast.

Dudley obviously had a hard night out on the town the night before...

Some Stats

Distance Travelled in Paris - 3,775.3 km (2359 miles)
Number of Koalas seen in wildlife parks - lots
Number of wild Koalas seen - zero (not through lack of trying)


At 1:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello I'm Dr.Nerd


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