Sunday, January 14, 2007


Auckland's a pretty nice place. We didn't actually venture too far as we took the time to rest up a bit (as there was telly and lots of cups of tea on hand thanks to Rach's bro) We wandered around the city for a few days, taking in lots of sights around the vast harbour, going up the tower (couldn't afford the 'interesting' way of coming back down the tower - jumping off with a rope attached to your back) and also made it out to Piha. It's on the coastline where 'The Piano' was filmed, so the sand is black and warm which is very very strange to say the least.

But as ever, we have to keep moving and flew down to Wellington for a few days. Wellington's a really nice place, if incredibly hilly and with the most changable weather imaginable on earth. I slapped on vast amounts of sunscreen as there wasn't a cloud in the sky only to be deluged about an hour later...

It's got loads of really nice bars along the waterfront and a really amazing museum, Te Papa, which is free. We also met up with Greg and Naomi, who I used to work with in London, which was really great. They've just moved out there and seem to be loving it and I can't really blame them!

We've just got off the ferry from Wellington, having sailed to the south Island. We're now in Picton, a tiny tiny town right at the north, where we're staying for one night before heading into wine country...

Some Stats

Number of Kiwi's seen - 0
(can't think of any more at the mo, sorry!)


At 7:42 pm, Blogger Kate Fox said...


At 9:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you said you were watching telly a lot but you must have seen some Kiwis???


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