Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Some photos from the last two days (We bought a new camera in PP before we came out here, we were not coming to Angkor without a camera! It's a Sony DSC-T10 for you techies out there)

The Monk Mobile! I'd say there's over 30 in there...

A very kind monk on the third level of Angkor Wat itself who let me take his photo

Sunrise at Angkor Wat at stupid o'clock this morning. We were up so early that we were able to catch the last 10 minutes of the Barca - Chelsea game live on the TV.

A bit later this morning, when the sun had almost pushed through the clouds.

Some stats

Number of temples seen - 12
Number of monks with mobile phones seen - 1
Number of monks with cameras (obviously tourists too!) seen - 2


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