Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Insert somewhat funny title about starting here...

I guess I'd better explain what I'm doing for you latecomers/people who I haven't chatted to in a while. Rachel (t'other half) and I have left our jobs and are currently sitting in a completely empty flat with 2 rucksacks for company.

Tomorrow (Thursday Sept 28th) night we go to Heathrow Airport, board QF 002 to Bangkok and don't return to the UK for 4 months. Hurrah! During those four months, the plan is to travel to Vietnam, Cambodia, back to Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and finally Hong Kong.

There are bits and pieces that are sorted; various flights/visas, accommodation in Sydney over Christmas/my birthday and tickets to watch the Boxing Day Ashes Cricket Test in Melbourne, but there are vast chunks where we'll wing it.

It still doesn't seem as if we're going yet. We've been planning this for a very long time, in fact if Rachel hadn't got her Friends of the Earth job, we'd have gone and been back for 8 months or so by now. But tomorrow night we'll be sat on a big white Qantas 747-400, heading a very long way east.

The situation in Thailand seems to be very stable. Reading the reports, it does seem like the best thing for the country. Thaksin seems to be a corrupt individual (allegedly) who hasn't done the country any favours. To be honest, I'm not worried about it at all. The only thing that I'm worried about is that Bangkok's new airport opens tomorrow and we'll be one of the first flights in. Should be 'interesting' I think.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Test 2

I'm having issues with Blogger, hence the second test. I'm not sure if it's the site or rach's laptop (or both)

Hopefully you can see 2 pictures...

Fraser Island

Folga Skerry (apparently)

Yes I know these are boring, but it's a TEST...

1,2... 1,2.... testing...

Is this thing on?

A blog - a description.
(For my parents/relatives/anyone else who doesn't know what a blog is....)

'blog' is an abbreviation of 'web log' which is an web page where people put their musings on things. Basically I'll be using it as a website where I can ramble on about what we've been upto (hopefully in an amusing way) and post photos of what we've done. Each post I make has also got a 'comment' section at the bottom where you can put comments about what I've written. Make sense? I hope so.

This is all new to me, so I'm going to try and post a piccie here as well to see how difficult it is. Hopefully there's a piccie of a DeHaviland Chipmunk to the left. Yes I know I should probably have a piccie of me - but I'm on Rach's laptop and there's no photos on it...

Anyways, that's my first attempt at this. I'm going to press publish and see what happens.