Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm back! - for a limited period only (whilst we're in Laos).

Having missed out Laos the last time as we weren't quite sure we had the time to visit it, we've decided to make a specific trip out here. After a mammoth 14 hour overnight sleeper from Bangkok, which was more like 14 hours of slightly napping as a combination of the state of the track (rollercoaster-esque) and jet-lag prevented deep sleep, we're in Vientiane.

First impressions are 'is it really a capital city?' We had to dodge a cow in the middle of the road, it's that sort of place. It's about as busy as a small town in the UK - but alot hotter and full of Monks (I think I'm winning on the Monk spotting game that was invented the last time we were in SE Asia) .

A brief update - struggling to stay awake - but I'll be back soon.

Some Stats

Hours train was late - 2
Hours slept on train - 2 total
Cows dodged in Tuk Tuk - 1


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