Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Stats a go go

Some Stats

Time away - 129 days
Distance travelled (approximately) 32,671 miles (52,273 km)
Number of countries - 6 (including Hong Kong)
Number of flights - 16
Number of stamps in passport - 16
Number of things stolen - 3 (2x camera, 1x sleeping bag liner)
Number of things lost - 1 (mobile phone)
Number of blogs - 50 (including this one)
Number of photos taken - 2,000+ (will have to figure that one out)
Number of CD's of photos - 15
Number of vehicles rented - 11 (2x car, 3x motorbike, 6x bicycle)
Amount of money spent - about on budget, but that doesn't mean I'm saying how much!
Number of months back since I've got round to posting this - 2 (whoops)
Number of weeks that we've had the internet since I've been in London for those 2 months so I've not had a chance to post - 2 weeks (combined total)


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