Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Technical difficulties

We're currently experiencing technical difficulties accessing the internet where we're staying in London, hence no recent updates.

Please stand by...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Stats a go go

Some Stats

Time away - 129 days
Distance travelled (approximately) 32,671 miles (52,273 km)
Number of countries - 6 (including Hong Kong)
Number of flights - 16
Number of stamps in passport - 16
Number of things stolen - 3 (2x camera, 1x sleeping bag liner)
Number of things lost - 1 (mobile phone)
Number of blogs - 50 (including this one)
Number of photos taken - 2,000+ (will have to figure that one out)
Number of CD's of photos - 15
Number of vehicles rented - 11 (2x car, 3x motorbike, 6x bicycle)
Amount of money spent - about on budget, but that doesn't mean I'm saying how much!
Number of months back since I've got round to posting this - 2 (whoops)
Number of weeks that we've had the internet since I've been in London for those 2 months so I've not had a chance to post - 2 weeks (combined total)

Hong Kong

So after a very long and boring wait, we made it to Hong Kong, where we met Maeve, my sister, who managed to change flight assignments to be in HK at the same time.

Day one we were a bit tired, but managed to get around abit, seeing very typical HK things and riding up to the peak at dusk to see the skyline.

Typical HK scene

The skyline of HK island and Kowloon in the background

The next day, we headed off to Ocean Park, one of two theme parks in HK (the other's Disneyland, the other sister would have got in a strop if we went there without her) to see the Giant Pandas. Only the Giant Pandas were having a new house built and have gone on holiday. Whether they've gone to the same place as Uncle Ho (See Hanoi) I don't know. Still we got to go on some rollercoasters, a logflume and saw lots of shows, which were all alot of fun.

'Whiskers' the sealion.

Then it came to the worst bit of the trip, the last flight home (well the last long flight to get us both to the UK). We flew back on Maeve's flight and so got alot of perks (they couldn't upgrade us as there wasn't enough meals in the upper classes :( including a row of 4 seats each to sleep, all the amenity packs and the freedom to roam the aircraft which is how I got the picture below.

Tibetian plateau - eastern end of the Himalayas

Getting back to Heathrow was a shock - it's a dump, but I didn't have long to wait for my shuttle up to Manchester, where I am now. Rach on the other hand had to wait a while for the BMI flight to Teeside. About 6 hours :(

Some Stats

Number of films watched - 3 (although I can't remember one of them so it can't have been that good!)
Number of hours sleep - 1 (ish)